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Free Tarot Pick-a-Card 4/17/20 (Timeless)

Greetings All!

Before getting into this weeks Pick-a-Card I want to share some good news with you. I will be offering an Ose Ifa online class in a couple weeks! Do you have Hand of Ifa or Full Ifa Initiation? Are you ready to take your spiritual practice to the next level? Sign up for this class and learn how to perform Ifa Day and cast Obi/Orogbo. Contact me at for details.

Now on to the Pick-a-Card. I sincerely hope that you are safe and healthy as you read this. Meditate on the photo and choose the card/crystal that calls out to you. Today I posed the question “What message do my readers need to receive at this moment?” Enjoy!

#1 In this moment you need to know that you have a wealth of information stored inside of your being. Spirit is saying you know the answer to the questions you pose. Tap into your high knowledge for the truth. In addition to having the answers you will also find that your blessings are connected to your knowing. You are being prompted by your inner knowing to make moves that will support the coming of abundance. You are an unlimited being with an unlimited source of wisdom within. Claim it. Ase. Spirit says you are loved. Never forget it. 

#2 There is or has been a great deal of fight and discord in your environment. You are tired of this negativity and are ready for a new start. I sense a weariness in you. Don't fret. Healing has arrived. In this moment you need to know that this is a time of rebirth. All you've lost will be restored. Do the work. Drop your defenses. Healing is coming to a broken relationship if you'll allow it. Ase. Spirit says you are loved. Never forget it. 

#3 In this moment you need to know to get ready for a new start. Newness is all around you. New opportunities, experiences, and relationships are coming towards you at a rapid pace. Can you feel it? Clear out the old. Let go of outdated thought processes and practices. Time is on your side. A portal has opened that will support your growth. Will you walk through this door? Will you go down this new path? This is a fast moving energy, one that you must take advantage of quickly. It's your time to let your wisdom and abilities shine. Ase. Spirit says you are loved. Never forget it.