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Free Tarot Pick-a-Card 4/10/20 (Timeless)

Greetings All!

I sincerely hope that you are safe and healthy as you read this. I’ve decided to share a weekly Pick-a-Card Tarot Check-In for those in need of inspiration and hope. Meditate on the photo and choose the card/crystal that calls out to you. This card will provide guidance on the best use of your time during this lock-down period we find ourselves in. Enjoy!

#1 Stop and breathe. This is the time to let go of what’s been stifling your progress. Aren’t you tired of not having what you desire? You’ve been a support to so many around you but don’t have much to show for it. It’s time for a change. Your consciousness is saying put yourself first. Walk away from what’s dragging you down. Go towards joy. Whatever that looks like for you. Ase.

#2 It’s time to lay your burdens down and embrace the completion of something in your environment. You’ve toiled and fought for so long. You’ve been the one holding things together. It’s time to rest, gestate and allow the birth of a new reality. Your consciousness is encouraging you to be open to the newness that is unfolding. Be vulnerable and know that you are loved and protected by a host of spirit guides. Ase.

#3 Be mindful of where you direct your energy at this time. Make choices that align with your highest vision of yourself and your life. Are you choosing low vibrational activities? Are you enmeshed in harmful relationships? Your consciousness is saying use this time wisely and make choices that support your evolution. Ase.