

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as an intuitive writing prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!


In the West African tradition of Ifa, Orisa Sango represents courage. Sango is the energy we tap into when we are paralyzed by fear; unable to progress in love. It is Sango that we call on when we have become stuck in a rut and are afraid to try a different path. Oba ko so. The king did not hang is a chant followers use to connect with this deity.

Susan is in a relationship with Tod. She’s been with Tod for 10 years. Tod is a handful, to say the least. She loves him but he has cheated on multiple occasions and is emotionally abusive. Susan is unhappy with this treatment but stays out of fear that she will end up alone.

Drake has worked as a custodian in a public school since getting his High School diploma. This is not the work he wanted to do but the pay is decent and the benefits are good. Drake gets up and goes to work 6 days a week without excitement. As a youth, he dreamed of becoming a professional piano player. His parents discouraged this saying that he wouldn’t make enough money to take care of himself. Over time Drake became afraid of leaving the stability of his city job and let go of his dreams.

Connecting with Orisa Sango would be a great benefit to Susan and Drake. For in connecting with Sango, one is essentially connecting with their own inner source of strength and courage. Courage = Freedom

In what way is fear blocking your path?

In what area of your life are you stuck and unable to move simply because you are afraid?

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:

