
Cutting Through The Bullshit...

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

The Chariot + King of Swords-Cutting Through the Bullshit... 

Many people move through life carrying patterns of behavior and habits that are counterproductive to their well being. These individuals become upset when they experience the same hardship again and again. I am a member of this group. Therefore, I am speaking from experience. It is time to stop repeating patterns and willfully participating in harmful cycles. Today, I say no more.

The current universal energy is providing a momentum which will allow for the instant manifestation of new ways, new practices, and ways of being. What we once considered impossible becomes possible. A bad habit can be released in a moment. A harmful way of thinking can be swept away. Things that have been with you for decades, can now fall away at a moment’s notice.

This shift in consciousness starts with your intention. Getting clear about what you want your life to look and feel like will propel you in the right direction. Knowing what you will allow into your space and what you will say no to is imperative. Mental clarity is at the forefront of this great shift. Cut through your bullshit, gain clarity and watch magic manifest.

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:

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What are you seeking?

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

The Hermit-What are you seeking?

We all, at some point in our existence, will go in a direction that carries us away from the beaten path. We will go off alone seeking seclusion in search of something bigger than ourselves. I don’t know about you but this is exactly what I am experiencing at the moment. I find myself seeking solitude so that I may review the past, my thoughts and everything in between. I stand in review of what has transpired in my life so that I will know how to proceed. I review past behaviors, sifting out those which are counterproductive to my well being. This is a period of review. The hermit, an elder, stands at the top of a peak. With a staff in one hand and a torch in the other. He is alone and appears to be in deep contemplation. He looks as if he is waiting for something, in search of something. The night sky is lit by stars. This is a period of illumination. The torch and the stars light the way forward.

The figure proceeds unafraid of what he will find on the journey. What are you seeking at this time? Are you taking time out to reflect? Venture out alone and connect with the truth of your being.

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:

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Wealth of Family

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

10 of Pentacles-Wealth of Family

Wealth comes in many different forms. Often we think of wealth in relation to money but it is so much more than that. Healthy, happy relationships are a form of wealth. Good family structure is a form of wealth. Knowledge is a form of wealth.

The family structure is of great importance in connection to the health of a community. Healthy individuals contribute to healthy families which in turn, contribute to healthy communities and society. There is wealth in being part of a family legacy that is strong, loving, and peaceful.

A family unit is surrounded by 10 pentacles/coins (represent resources, money). Standing behind a tree we see a ghostly figure reviewing the landscape. This figure represents our ancestors and ancestral knowledge. We are being shown the connection between wealth and family/legacy. Though money is important it is not the only form of wealth we should strive to attain. Family is our wealth, connection with ancestral forces is our wealth. Are you enjoying the wealth of love around you? Are you striving to create a solid family unit? Are you truly connecting with your family? Make it a point to do so. You will find wealth there.

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:


Being a TRUE follower of Ifa

In December of 2015, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery. I boarded a plane to Lagos, Nigeria and it was there, in the middle of the night, that I found myself. My whole, true essence was called forth by the process of initiation into Orisa. A powerful, body numbing energy came over me. It knocked me down. It was some time before I was able to get up. That energy was Oya. I am a follower of the Ifa tradition. Ifa is the practice of good/gentle character. Ifa is a spiritual tradition and way of life that holds its practitioners accountable. My job is Ifa. My destiny is Ifa. I am grateful. 

On this episode of My Orisha Journey, Day Dream Alston/Oyabunmi discusses what it takes to be a TRUE follower of Ifa.

There is Power in Acceptance...

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I am able to change.
— Carl Rogers

There is power in acceptance, in accepting pain, poor character traits, loss. There is power in giving yourself the space to be human and flawed and imperfect. This is the message that is coming through loud and clear at this time. I struggle with habitual and painful ways of perceiving the world. I limit myself with my own fearful thinking. Today I accept this about myself. I will not berate nor beat myself up for feeling this way. That would be like dumping shit on top of shit.
Instead, I accept this pattern. I accept it and work to improve it simultaneously. There is power in acceptance.