
Go Get It >>>

For the next few months, I will choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

8 of Chalices + 8 of Pentacles

You’ve taken stock of your life and noticed that something is missing. You are satisfied in some areas, not so much in others. The missing piece is causing anxiety and discontent. You can’t take it anymore. And so you go off in search of this thing. You work to attain it. You shed blood, sweat, and tears to attain it. You toil and are focused. You have decided you will have this person, place, or thing. You are directing your will in order to secure it. 8’s represent karma and reaping what is sown. Continue doing the work and you will see the benefits. It’s guaranteed.

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Secure The Bag

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

4 of Pentacles + 3 of Chalices-Secure the Bag

This week you are encouraged to watch the emotions that come up for you around money & finances. Does money, or lackthereof  stress you out? Are you afraid to spend money for fear of not having enough? Do you overspend in order to cultivate feelings of joy? This is a time to consider your emotional connection to money.

The 4 of Pentacles is all about keeping money close, stacking that bread, and securing the bag. This represents someone who makes money and holds onto it for dear life. Guard your resources. And feel free to be choosy in whom you share them with. The 3 of Chalices speaks of consideration and emotion. The figure sits looking off into the distance while filling her cup (emotions, feelings, love). As you consider your resources, financial and otherwise, consider the emotional motivation behind your actions. Why do you behave the way you do where money is concerned? Emotional well being contributes to financial well being. Get your mind/emotions right and watch everything else fall into place.  

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Raise your Vibration

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

4 of Swords + 7 of Wands + The Devil

It’s time to go above and beyond. It’s time to ascend. It’s time to rise above the same old bullshit. Those behaviors and thought patterns which have acted as obstacles are passing away. Your higher self is calling to you. Step up. Raise your vibration.

This is a personal battle. One that you have the power to transcend. The external conflict you face at this time is a reflection of the conflict that resides within you. In what ways are you limiting yourself? In what ways are you allowing unhealthy practices to bind you? The time is now. You have the momentum of spirit beside you. The devil within is more harmful than the devil without.

Meditative and spiritual practices/rituals would be helpful at this time. Tap into your own inner guide. Be still. Be mindful of messages that come from a variety of sources. Your connection with spirit will take you higher. Your connection with spirit will help you overcome conflict, internal battles, and unhealthy behavioral patterns. Tune in. Your evolution is at hand.


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Shit Happens

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

9 of Swords + The Hierophant

We all have those days. Days when we struggle to get out of bed. Days when unhappiness settles in as if it's a companion. It happens. Depression happens. Sadness happens. Disappointment happens. This is life. We would not know what peace is without the occasional depressive state.

Is this one of those days for you? Is this one of those weeks? Are traumatic memories coming up for review? Welcome to humanity. Whether people show it or not we all have our moments, days, weeks, and months of despair. Today’s message says the way to pull yourself out of this funk is to look towards the heavens. You are being encouraged to adopt or create a formal spiritual practice that will pull your awareness away from depressing thoughts. If Islam resonates with your spirit pursue it. Whether it’s Ifa, Judaism, Hinduism pursue it. If your spirit is calling you to spend more time in meditation, do so. Adopting a spiritual practice and creating rituals will support your healing. Get to it!


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Don’t Hesitate, Just Do it!

For the next few months, I will choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

Knave of Wands + The Wheel

Each human being has the capacity to create wondrous things. Everything you are looking at, right this moment has been created by one of us. The phone or computer you are reading this on was created by a human. The technology used to transmit and receive this message was created by a human. You may draft an email, cook a meal, or decorate a room. These are your creations. We are creating all the time. We were created to create! There is no doubt about it.

Do you remember that idea you had? The business idea? The idea you had to improve an existing technology? That new recipe? Do you remember? Or perhaps you’ve had several brilliant ideas and watched them fade into memories because you failed to make them real. Today is the day. Now is the time. Stop hesitating. Stop making excuses about the kids, work, or your lack of time. Stop.

As children, we created all the time. We allowed our imaginations to run wild and we followed without hesitation. Allow that youthfulness back in. There is a creation within that is ready to be born. It is communicating with you. It is tugging at your pants leg screaming “Let’s Go!” Pull forth that creation. It may not start out very sophisticated or pretty. In fact, it may look like it was drawn, written, or put together by a 5-year-old. That’s ok. Let it come forth in its immaturity and then play with it. Turn it around, upside down, and stretch it. If you must, delete it, tear it to shreds and begin again. Do what you must. But know this. This thing, this creation, this song, this dance, this business is your key to fortune. It is your key to fortune both within and without. Don’t hesitate. Just do it!


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