
Breakthrough or Breakdown???

For the next few months, I will choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

King of Wands + 7 of Swords + Temperance

It’s coming.

Can you feel it?

You are on the brink of a major breakthrough or breakdown.

Which will you choose?

Jess was training for a marathon. A week prior to the event she decided to run the full length of the marathon in preparation. She’d trained for months and had confidence that she could complete the run in record time. The morning air was warm as she began her run. Mile 1 came and went, as did Mile 2, 3, 4, 5.... Jess felt good. After another few miles Jess’ joints began to ache due to the humidity in the air. She remembered the possibility of rain showers. Intermittently rain falls. Jess continues. Intermittent drops become drizzle. Jess shrugs it off and continues. Thunder roars in the balance. It’s mile 15. Jess is on a roll and refuses to let a little rain stop her.

The storm comes. The rain, now heavier, begins to fall and threatens Jess’ resolve. She is determined to complete her run but is starting to worry. “The road is slick, what if I slip? My knees hurt. Another 11 miles. I don’t think so.” Jess is now considering all the reasons why she should stop running. Weary; she begins to slow down…

Jess has a choice. She can allow her thoughts and the physical conditions to impede her progress or she can push on. This goes for you as well. Will you allow stinkin’ thinkin’ or unpleasant conditions to slow you down or stop you? Or will you rise above the lower nature and  tap into your passion? Will you remain determined in the face of obstacles? Or will you throw in the towel? Will you choose moderation and discipline? Or will you overindulge and forgo your purpose?

This is your time.

Choose wisely.

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:


Let Go and Thrive!

For the next few months, I will choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

Queen of Pentacles + 5 of Swords + Knave of Chalices

In life, we all experience challenges. There’s no denying it. Contention, discord, fight are all part of the human experience. Yet, there are times when we (you & I) contribute to our own discord.

Emotional immaturity is often at the forefront of this imbalance. The way we perceive and think about experiences is also a catalyst for contention. Examine your emotional processes. Study your own thinking. When you do this, you begin to hone your powers of manifestation. Instead of being a passive participant in life, you become an active participant, a co-creator with the most high.

You begin to call in abundance, resourcefulness, and joy. Let go of that which no longer serves you and your evolution.

Let go and thrive.

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:


Gifts from Heaven

For the next few months, I will choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

Queen of Wands + Ace of Pentacles

You are being presented with an offer that will increase your bottom line. It’s coming. A proposition, idea, or flash of insight that carries abundance with it. It’s almost as if it’s being handed to you. A gift from the heavens. Can you feel it? After all of the struggle and discomfort of days past you are finally offered respite. Be on the lookout for a powerful, passionate woman whose spirit is big and bold. You’re ‘come up’ may be connected to her or a feminine spirit of fire. Does a particular ancestor come to mind? Mama has come to fight for you and your well being. Offer gratitude.   

Additionally, your passion, practicality, and intuition will serve you well at this time. Pay attention to the inner knowings that come up from the depths of your soul. Be aware of the information that appears suddenly. It may be the catalyst for great shifts in your life. Allow passion to thrust you into unknown spaces while still being practical in your approach. What you seek is seeking you. Be in the flow.  


Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:


Ogun, Clear the Path

For the next few months, I will choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

Ace of Swords + 2 of Chalices + 6 of Chalices

One day Orisa Ogun was deep in the woods enjoying his favorite pastime, hunting. After some time in the bush, he headed towards a nearby stream for a drink of water. As he approached the stream he heard two men arguing. The men had both caught the same fish. One hook was in one end, the other’s hook was in the other end. The men were arguing over who the fish belonged to. Ogun encouraged the men to calm down and listened to their arguments. Both men were stubborn. Neither of them would calm down long enough to come up with a fair and diplomatic solution. “Enough!” Ogun yelled. His voice echoing through the forest. In an instant, he pulled out his cutlass (machete) and cut the fish in two. Problem solved. Each man received an equal portion of the fish they had caught.

Ogun has come to cut the fish in half. Are you are facing a stalemate? Is there someone in your life who you are not seeing eye to eye with? Are you arguing/fighting over resources? Ogun says no more. It’s time to cut the fish in two. He has come to bring a fair and balanced solution to your situation. You will move from discord to peace. Arguments will transform into mature discussions. Unhealthy relationships will be repaired. Peace offerings and offerings of love will replace anger and hatred. Camaraderie, love, and contentment are being offered at this time. Be open to peaceful resolution. Be open to love.


Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:



It's a Miracle!

For the next few months, I will choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

10 of Swords + 3 of Swords + 6 of Swords

Oh boy. First of all, let me just say that I’m sorry. This energy is heavy. It’s filled with contention, depression, feelings of betrayal, and defeat. Some of you are going through an extremely tough time or are about to. Such is life. We cannot know the feeling of joy without the feeling of despair. Are you arguing with someone? Fighting over resources? Has a lover broken your heart, yet again? Whatever it is, know this. This too shall pass. You are moving through this energy of discord and peace is on the horizon. It may not feel that way but I promise it’s true.

The cards indicate that there is a way you can leave all this negativity behind. Are you ready to hear the message?

Leave behind negative, heavy thinking. Our thoughts can exacerbate situations. Making them better or worse. I write this from experience. Stop looking at that person or situation as the enemy. Look at the world through rose-colored glasses. Look at the world and your experiences through the lens of love. For some of you that may sound impossible. Just a couple of weeks ago I would have felt the same. And then something miraculous happened as I sat before my father Ela. He told me I needed to chill. He told me, through Odu, that sometimes people act out and hurt us because of their own troubling experiences. In that moment, compassion flooded my body in a way that it never has before. Instantly my anger and resentment melted away. I stopped thinking negatively about my situation. Instead, I am sending love and I will receive love in return. Shift your thinking, shift your situation.

You got this!

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:
