
Free Tarot Pick-a-Card 4/24/20 (Timeless)

Greetings All! I sincerely hope that you are safe and healthy as you read this. May this Pick-a-Card be a source of inspiration for you today. Meditate on the photo and choose the card/crystal that calls out to you. Today I posed the question “What messages do our Ancestors have for us today ?” Enjoy!


#1 Your ancestors want you to lead with love. Heart chakra energy figures strongly here. Open your heart. This is a time of healing. Are you drinking too much alcohol? Indulging in unhealthy behaviors? They are reminding you of the importance of moderation. Strive for balance in your life. Be open to love. Give love. 

#2 Your ancestors are saying, what you want to build will take time. There’s no rush. Building a solid foundation takes patience and persistence. Do you have what it takes to build your kingdom? Take time to envision your desired outcomes. Abundance is yours for the taking. Proceed slowly. Enjoy the journey.

#3 Your ancestors are reminding you that you are strong enough to face the obstacles ahead. You are not alone. Call on them for assistance. They have been or will be showing you signs of their presence. Pay attention. Practice being gracefully assertive when it’s needed. Lead with tact and gentility. 

Relax and Rejoice...


Relax and Rejoice

What a time we find ourselves in… I am still in disbelief at this sudden turn of events. At least once a day I stop what I’m doing, shake my head and say “This sh*t is nuts”.

There is no better time to depend upon one’s faith than in times of uncertainty. This is the time to pray. This is the time to call on one’s ancestors. This is the time for ritual. This is the time for meditation. This is the time to be still and listen for guidance. In my faith, the Ifa/Orisha tradition, followers are expected to practice hopefulness at all times. No matter what the situation looks like, no matter how much fear and confusion it elicits it is the practitioners’ job to be hopeful about the future. I pray you are well in this moment. That you are encouraged and strengthened by your faith. I pray that you are choosing to be optimistic and hopeful about what’s to come. Ase!

P.S. I am happy to announce that I’m offering new services. You may contact me for Tarot and Ifa readings as well as Hand of Ifa and Orisha Icons! Interested? Contact me here >>>

Are you in need of an Ifa Reading?

Are you in need of an Ifa reading but don’t know who to trust?

Don’t get scammed!

Contact me at the link below to connect with an authentic Nigerian Babalawo.

Contact me here:

New to Ifa/Orisha tradition? Watch this video to learn more about Ifa Readings …


The 16 Day Challenge!


The 16 Day Challenge

Greetings All!

2019 was quite a year. I experienced a number of ups and downs.

Ups include: moving into my new home, publishing my novella ‘Aje and The Master Key’, and completing the build-out of a free WIFI network in Brooklyn. 

Downs include: leaving my support system and moving to a new state, losing my job, and learning that a love I thought had come to stay was simply another short-lived affair. 

I embrace it all. Each moment of joy, confusion, and disappointment are aligning me with my inner truth.  

As we usher in the new year it’s only fitting that we begin to consider what we want to cultivate in 2020. What do you want to manifest in the coming year? Is it more patience, a destined love, a better job? Whatever it is, let Odu Ifa (the word of Olodumare) support you in bringing it to fruition!

I invite you to join me as I embark on “The 16 Day Challenge”!

Here’s how you participate:

  1. Identify an Odu verse that speaks to your situation. For instance, if you struggle with a bad temper and want to better manage it in the coming year try reciting this verse from Ogbe Ogunda which states “Anger amounts to nothing for one. Patience is the father of all good character. The elder who is patient. He will be blessed with all the good things of life.” Not sure where to find a verse, check out the Reading of the Year linked here:

  2. Starting Monday, December 9th you will recite the verse each morning in front of your Ifa or chosen Orisa (hand or full). Those who do not have Ifa or Orisa should hold their head with both hands and direct the verse to their Ori (personal divinity). Feel free to add other prayers as you see fit. Recite the verse in whichever language you prefer.

  3. This will be done consistently for 16 days. Through December 24th. No excuses!

  4. Throughout the month, be on the lookout for shifts in this area of your life. Be open to miracles. (This has worked for me in the past, it can work for you!)

  5. Share, share, share! If you’re participating let me know in the comments. Share your verse in the comments. Share your successes in the comments. Share your struggles. Share it all. Don’t be ashamed to brag on the goodness of Ifa!

  6. For best results, the 16 Day Challenge should be done in addition to your regular prayers, readings, sacrifice, and offerings.

I can’t wait to see all the good we manifest over the next month and beyond. Ase!

20 Days of Odu Ifa!


Greetings Readers!

It’s been a hell of a week and it’s only Wednesday. Feelings of confusion, discord, and dis-ease are in the air thanks to planetary aspects like Mercury Retrograde. In moments like this, it’s important to ground ourselves in the truth. The truth is that in each moment we have the option to choose how we respond to our surroundings. We can choose thoughts and practices that foster feelings of confusion, discord, and dis-ease or we can choose to shift our focus to bring about a better condition.

Thought often precedes emotion. Therefore heavy, negative thoughts invite in heavy emotion. While peaceful thoughts lead to peaceful emotional states. Ahh, the wonders of the human condition! May our thoughts call in peace and balance today.

In need of inspiration, join me on my social media platforms as I share quotes from the holy Odu via the series ‘20 Days of Odu Ifa’. Hope to see you there!