
Your Inheritance Awaits!

We’re coming to the end of the intuitive writing series. For the next few weeks, I’ll choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

Knight of Pentacles + The Empress

When I pulled these cards something in my spirit stood at attention. I became excited. A sound of exasperation escaped my lips and I felt the word inheritance. Yes, I said I felt the word. I didn’t hear it. When my intuition speaks it does so clearly and with certainty. It screams inaudibly. Suddenly, I know the truth. Suddenly, without any forethought, I know the answer. That’s what happened when I pulled the Knight of Pentacles and The Empress. I examined the symbols, the colors and the general spirit of the cards. And received this message >>> Your inheritance is coming. A gift of abundance and wealth is coming your way. Are you ready to receive it? Your passion and will power are the keys to this abundance. Your adherence to the natural laws of the universe is yet another key.

At this time be sure to put yourself in the position to receive.

Be open.

Stay hopeful & encouraged no matter what your situation looks like.

Pray and make offering.

Take walks in nature.

Pursue joy.





Embrace your humanity.

Do good.

Be encouraged knowing that your struggle is about to come to an end. Ase.

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:


Free Ebook!

Relationships can be such a pleasure and such a pain! They can take me to the highest of heights and the lowest of lows, all in the span of days. What I have learned over time is that love is lifetime work. Each day we have the opportunity to choose love.

The Not-so-Patiently Waiting E-Edition calls on readers to review habits and beliefs that may be blocking love. And it's free! Download your copy today! 

Get your copy here: Not-so-patiently-waiting-Eedition